Saturday, January 10, 2009

Exam Era

As we begin the endless nightmare of late night studying, study schedules, study programmes, study routines (all which we fail to accomplish), specific study hours on weekends and end our social life, we begin to look forwards to the exams- get them over and done with!

As we sit by our computers and try to find motivation and gather the Strength to allow ourselves to stay in on a Friday night and open that ridiculously heavy book standing just out of your arms reach- you wish you had RSVP that dinner party after all… you stand up, you unwrap yourself from that big warm blanket (the one you always wonder where and when and why you got it) shudder at the cold your about to fear, get up and get the damn book.

To study or not to study? Stay in on a Saturday night? That dinner-party is starting to sound like a great idea… that dress which you bought just a few weeks ago (the one you spent an absolute fortune on) is just hanging there, unused, desperately waiting to be worn for the very first time. Oh, and those shoes you treated yourself to last month, those gorgeous ones that match your unworn dress perfectly? ( I’ve only worn them once and got my perfect french-manicured toes completely deformed and “infected” with blisters.)

In the end your faced with a dilemma. You have a heavy weight championship female athlete, that over the past few years after being used by hundreds of students, has taken on the shape of a book (incredibly heavy and rather unattractive). And a fabulous expensive dress, that may take you to court for not having worn it yet and pair of fabulous, painfully expenisive, shoes who damage your feet on the inside but make your legs look ever so slim and delicious.

So… what "object" do you promote?

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